Warrior Clans of Krungar

Regions of Enelis

Warrior Clans of Krungar

Cold Lands of the Vikings

Banner: Each clan has its own banner.
Midgaard (9,500 during Midsummer; 850 permanent residents).
Notable Settlements: Fellheim (1500), Nodrheim (900), Salheim (850), Krossheim (1800), Eikheim (1200), Sundheim (3200), Hafheim (3600), Halvrheim (2700).
Rulers: Council of Eight (eight Clan-Kings from each major region)
Government: Semi-autonomous chiefdom confederacy.
Military: Moderate. Shares 42 defensive fortifications with the Alliance.
Languages: Noradrie
Religion:  Noradrie pantheon.
Primary Exports:  Hides, furs, pelts, horses, Vikings.

Detailed Map of the Northlands


The people of Krungar, the Krungi, have a long difficult history.  Like the other Noradrie, they were once slaves to Jotuns. They then learned to fight, joining the Dwarves in the fight against their former masters. The warrior culture of the Noradrie grew out from this past. Strength and prowess in battle has long been the mark of a great leader. These lands have always been divided between great warrior-chiefs who rule over a given region. In -513 G.R., Rohard Hethroth united the Noradrie clans into the Aelgardian Empire as the first Great-King (Storr-Konungr). Their armies were so mighty, that they successfully challenged the Nomen Empire, and captured Goldwall for a time. The Empire eventually dissolved as each individual Clan-King (Aett-Konungr) fought for control of the regions. It wasn’t until 133 G.R., that Bryman Hethroth was able to reunite these scattered clans again to fight in the Last War. Shortly after, the Jarldom of Aelgard was founded by his descendants.

However, many of the northern clans did not want to be part of this new Jarldom, since it expressly forbade raiding along the eastern coasts. Such practice had been traditional among these clans for many centuries and they would not abandon their Viking ways. In 322 G.R., the northern clans declared independence from Aelgard and returned to their traditional ways, and thus the lands of Krungar were dominated by warriors and would-be kings again.


Krungar is loosely governed by the eight Clan-Kings (Aett-Konungr) for mutual defense and trade with other nations. They meet once a year during Midsummer at the town of Midgaard, bringing their vast armies of warriors with them as a display of strength and power. In some cases there have been disputes, but it is forbidden to go to war during the Midsummer meeting.  Each individual Clan-King governs their home fortress-town and region for defense, but individual villages often govern themselves with an elder or a great warrior to represent them. Krungar society is rather tribal, with individual warriors and tribe-leaders declaring fealty to their Clan-King. Disputes and wars are commonplace, with tribes and larger clans occasionally switching their fealty to a perceived stronger warrior. Each clan allies or wages war with their neighbors as the seasons change, with any alliance lasting no more than a couple years.


The warriors of Krungar are some of the fiercest in the world, as chaotic and ferocious as the Orcs of Hashan. Each Clan-King has a large army of warriors at their command, but usually only a small defensive force active at any time. These armies are mostly composed of infantry armed with axes and short swords led by the berserkers. These are followed by groups of archers and skirmishers. Their calvary, the ridders, are quite formidable, although they do not have the same reputation as the ridders of Aelgard. They also have many light calvary as scouts and patrols throughout their regions.  The Clan-Kings on the sea also have numerous longboats at their disposal, but these are often out on Viking raids to the south in an effort to steal wealth from those rich lands.


Short summers are filled with cool sea winds and the winters are quite brutal in Krungar. The people, however, thrive in this harsh environment. The Krungi people tend crops over the short summers, as well as herd domesticated reindeer, cattle, sheep, and goats. These ruminant animals do well in the vast grasslands of the Elk River (Elgr Elfr) valley. Others depend on river and ocean fishing for survival.  The Clan-Kings of the western reaches of Krungar handle most of the trade with Aelgard and the borderlands. The north-eastern clans mostly subsist on their own, with little trade. While the southern clans rely on stealing what they need by raiding and looting the eastern coasts to the south.


The Krungi clans hold strong to ancient Noradrie traditions and eschew trade and peace with southern cultures. They see the Aelgardians as weak sell-outs who have given up on traditional ways of life. The coastal clans are particularly known for sending out raiding parties in longboats down the eastern coast, razing and looting unprotected settlements. The settlements of the Krungi greatly resemble those of the other Noradrie people. However, the shorter summers in Krungar forces the people to rely more on their herds of animals. The Krungi people tend to wear more hides and furs than their southern counterparts in Aelgard. Krungi people also tend to have more scars that they wear proudly like badges of war. Most Krungi only speak Noradrie and worship the Noradrie pantheon. They have no special preference for Hethroth, and they treat him as a god of war and battle, as the dragon-tamer, but the Krungi care little about the Hethroth ancestry and the unification of Aelgard.
People from Krungar are slow to trust others, but are fiercely loyal to those that have proven their worth, preferably in battle. They often believe that those who fight together share the ‘warrior’s blood-bond’ and will forever share respect. Like all Noradrie, honor is of utmost importance, and any sign of cowardice or fear is seen as a weakness.


The lands of Krungar are a wild land where great predators hunt, and large herds of thunderous mammoths roam. Hidden Jotun ruins of Braellheim are scattered throughout the land, along with many ancient Noradrie sites. Visitors to these lands would likely find themselves involved in the inter-clan politics of the region, forced to choose a side as clans go to war.

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