Orc Pantheon

Religions & Philosophies


Orc Pantheon

The Orc pantheon…

Ulgoxa the WitchLEMagic, sorcery, alchemy, treachery
Unbrago the EarthfatherNGNature, plants, healing, herbalism
Naloshk the Great DarknessNEDarkness, evil, death, secrets, power
Kalok the HunterCGHunting, freedom, instincts, survival
Ur the RockbearerCNStrength, athletics, primal rage
Hashkan the ConquererCEWar, conquering, power, anarchy
Talax the Crimson TerrorCEOrcs, dominance, industry, Hashan/Gruum



“the TBD”
Goddess of TBD.
Alignment: Lawful TBD
Symbol: TBD
Origin: Elven

Edicts: TBD
Anathema: TBD
Follower Alignments: LG

Avatar: TBD
Clerical Orders: Order of the TBD
Worshipers: Elves

Devotee Benefits
Divine Font:
heal or harm
Divine Skill: Crafting
Favored Weapon: light hammer
Domains: creation, earth, might, tyranny
Cleric Spells: 1st: mindlink, 3rd: meld into stone, 4th: shape stone, 5th: wall of stone

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