
The port to libGDX is working rather well now.  I am getting the hang of it too!  Most of the auxiliary screens are on the new system and it runs so smooth.  I am currently working on getting the main game screen to use the new graphics and input system.

Major Changes:

  • New file system.
    • The game kind of “installs” itself now, so it should be distributed as a single ‘.jar’ now.
    • Game options are saved in a preferences (xml) file.   On Windows:  C:\Users\[UserName]\.prefs\Fief_Options.xml
    • Game data files are saved in a user accessible directory.  On Windows:  C:\User\[UserName]\Fief
    • This change primarily allows data accessibility for a possible Android version of the game.
  • Packaged textures!
    • The ruleset images now reside in different directories that are packaged into a texture atlas for each category.
    • This will greatly reduce texture binding calls on the GPU as each texture page is bound only once for all its draw actions on each render cycle.
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